No new sales taxes
An extension of the current sales tax, not an additional tax
Renewal Education Sales Tax starts after the current one ends
Anyone who shops in Pickens County pays sales tax
Provide modern, safe, and secure school facilities
Quality schools promote a better future for our students and economic growth for our community
E-SPLOST (Educational Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax)
E-SPLOST, the Educational Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, is a 1-cent educational sales tax renewal. This is not a new tax, it is a continued investment in our children, schools, and community. This tax ensures our students have access to safe schools, modern resources, and opportunities for success - all without increasing property taxes.
The one-cent sales tax provides a method of funding that everyone pays, not just property owners, as sales tax is paid by everyone who shops, eats, or stays in Pickens County.

E-SPLOST is an established sales tax. The continuation is not a new tax - it is a continuation of an existing, voter-approved one-penny sales tax. As more and more families choose public education for their children, capital improvement continues to be a critical priority to ensure quality learning spaces that are equipped for the 21st century student are provided. Safety and facility enhancements, our transportation fleet, and technology costs have been addressed by using this valued resource.
To account for student needs, funding resources are crucial. With the support of E-SPLOST dollars, facility improvements have contributed to the expansion of the school district and the many success stories we have enjoyed, such as a graduation rate that has topped the state average for six consecutive years.
The E-SPLOST helps to keep property taxes low by providing an additional revenue source using a sales tax as a funding mechanism. E-SPLOST provides a method for funding the cost of educational improvements that everyone pays. This is important because sales tax is paid by everyone who shops or stays in Pickens County!
Pickens County School District's E-SPLOST
On November 3, 2020, a referendum was passed by the voters of Pickens County to continue the 1% Educational Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for a five-year period beginning July 1, 2022.
E-SPLOST has and will continue to improve infrastructure through renovations, modifications, additions and other projects that keep our schools up-to-date and safe. In addition, these funds are used to purchase and/or upgrade equipment as needed. This includes playgrounds, school buses, HVAC systems, copiers, classroom furniture, technology and more. The maximum amount to be collected by the Pickens County School System is $35,000,000.