Dexter Mosely Act
During the 2021 legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly passed the Dexter Mosely Act. This legislation authorizes home study students in grades 6-12 to participate in extracurricular and interscholastic activities in the student’s resident public school system, with the requirement of certain notification and course enrollment provisions. The law is codified in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-319.6. No home school students should attend workouts, club meetings, or practices/competitions until they are fully registered.
Participation Requirements
The home study student must meet established age, academic, behavioral, conduct, disciplinary, residence, zoning, and other rules and requirements applicable to all students for participation in the specified Extracurricular and Interscholastic activity (E/I) and must provide any supporting documentation required by the resident school.
Enrolling Parent/Guardian Actions
The enrolling parent/guardian must send an email to the Athletic Director of the school the student would attend and the District Athletic Director indicating the intent to enroll the student under the Dexter Mosley Act. This email must include the following scanned and attached documents:
The Dexter Mosley Act Declaration form indicating which extracurricular activities the student plans to participate in.
The home school student must have a Declaration of Intent for the current year on file with the GA Department of Education.
A copy of the student’s most recent annual progress report as provided in Georgia’s requirements for home school programs and include the student’s instructor’s individualized assessment of the student’s academic progress in all courses (reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science).
A written verification by the home school instructor that the student is currently receiving a passing grade in each home study program course and is maintaining satisfactory progress towards advancement.
The home study student must meet established age, academic, behavioral, conduct, disciplinary, residence, zoning, and other rules and requirements applicable to all students for participation in the specified E/I activity and agree to abide by the expectations and information listed in the Pickens County Schools Student Code of Conduct.
A current copy of the student’s transcript including the number of cumulative units earned to date.
A student who withdraws from a public school to participate in a home study program shall be ineligible for participation in any E/I activity for 12 months from the date of the home study.
Declaration of Intent submission to GaDOE.
Email Addresses:
Pickens High School Principal: Matt Combs mattcombs@pickenscountyschools.org
Pickens High School Athletic Director: Brandon Thomas brandonthomas@pickenscountyschools.org
Pickens Junior High School Principal: Kanyon Petti kanyonpetti@pickenscountyschools.org
Jasper Middle School Principal: Miranda Combs mirandacombs@pickenscountyschools.org
Pickens Junior High/Jasper Middle School Athletic Director: Duane Cronic duanecronic@pickenscountyschools.org
Upon completion of these steps, you will be contacted by someone in the school system and, if meeting the above requirements, you will be given permission to enroll.
**This documentation must be received 30 calendar days prior to the first day of school of the semester the home study student will be enrolling in Pickens County Schools.